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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shopping complex approved

PLANNING approval has been given for a major shopping centre on the outskirts of New Norfolk. Last week's Derwent Valley Council meeting voted 8-1 in favour of the development proposed by brothers Roostam and Raif Sadri.

The complex will occupy 5.4 hectares bordered by Hobart Rd, Glebe Rd and Ring Rd, an area that once formed part of the Royal Derwent Hospital. The development includes:
  • A large supermarket with baker, butcher and delicatessen (4200 square metres)
  • Seven retail tenancies (2690 square metres)
  • Petrol station (115 square metres)
  • Takeaway shop (280 square metres)
  • Future tenancy (1250 square metres)
  • Five warehouse/showrooms (5600 square metres)
Councillors rejected the municipal engineer's recommendation of a roundabout for the junction of Hobart Rd and Glebe Rd and substituted slip lanes as a means of dealing with the anticipated increase in traffic. Several councillors said people living in the area were known to be opposed to the long-planned roundabout as it would cause car headlights to shine in their windows. A roundabout will however be built further along Glebe Rd at one of the entrances to the shopping centre.

Councillor Wayne Shoobridge said there was nothing in the application that could be objected to, as it fell within all the rules. Cr Scott Shaw pointed out that there were not enough car parking spaces and planning officer Martin McCance said this was correct. Cr Chris Lester said the Sadris had met every requirement asked of them and although there was some angst about the impact on High St, this could not be taken into account in a planning matter. Cr James Graham said it was possible High St may end up being a little busier.

Cr Damian Bester said the predicted impact on the central business district was far greater than the 3% stated, as the developer's own economic study forecast a 21% reduction in turnover in the town centre. Cr Tony Nicholson said the development would draw new residents and turn New Norfolk into a "great outer suburb", while deputy mayor Barry Lathey said people wanted competition and it was up to the council to give people what they wanted.

The developers expect to have their supermarket up and running by 2015. A rival supermarket development on the Willow Court oval is expected to go before the council in the near future.


  1. this is a positive outcome, thank you

  2. Is there any timeframe around this?

    1. The supermarket is due for completion in 2015 according to the planning documents.

  3. About time. Really sick of only having wooliest shop at up here and not to mention the town needs something.

  4. wan't be hard for them to make it look better than the main street

  5. Any ideas as to who the tenants will be?

  6. Will the supermarket be Woolworths or Coles ?? We defiantly need some competition for Woolworths up here. The line up at the fast lane is terrible , never enough registers open. Not enough variety at all !!!!

  7. About time this is what New Norfolk and the Derwent Valley need. It will bring more people to live in our beautiful area.Competion is good for business. Hoping Coles will be the supermarket, so as to make Woolworths pick it's socks up

    1. if it takes coles to make woolworths pick its stock up it is way to late for that for most of the town that goes to bridgewater to shop

    2. Have you asked everyone in the town if they go to Bridgewater? I think NOT.
      Narrow minded people think they know everything that goes on in the town.
      This is YOUR opinion only.

  8. if coles comes to town it will be the end of woolworths for me.
    because of the second rate goods and service they dished out to us for so long bring on the compertition

  9. I spoke to Raif Sadri at the meeting after the development was voted in by council. he is still negotiating with Coles and Aldi and possibly a third party.

  10. Hope this means that the shops in High Street will lift their game to encourage newbie visitors to town to pop in and maybe shop. Some of the shop fronts and window displays are just awful, drab and dated.

    Great to see The New Norfolk Hotel getting a paint job, can think of a few more that need to tidy up!!!!

  11. Where is all the money that is going to be spent in the shops coming from? Which shops will suffer as a limited pool of money is spead further? Who will lose their job in High St?

  12. The amount of people who shop off the town and the amount of traffic that bypasses New Norfolk should be the focus of the businesses in New Norfolk, lift your game folks and I'm thinking that this new super market/servo specialty shopping centre will need staff.

  13. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I think in this case however the reaction will be the equal but in a positive way. More visitors means more business. If you have a business with a tardy window then you will have to spend money to make money. The rules of selling anything are presentation, price and demand.

  14. Will be great for the town and area in general.A lot of people are development adverse it seems, but I think it'll make the town busier as people are more likely to shop locally if they can get what thet want here.(as a pose to going to Hobart , Glenorchy ).Should also be a big + as far as getting people to make the move up here.Has a lot to offer.A beautiful setting.Would be nice to see some young families etc to revitilise the area.Would also be nice if main shoppung area was spruced up a bit.Some street trees and greenery in general would be great.
