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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Council's tribute to Barry Lathey

Madge Lathey, centre, with family members and councillors
Martyn Evans, left, and Ben Shaw, back right.
TRIBUTE was paid to a former long-serving Derwent Valley councillor and deputy mayor at the start of last month's meeting.

Mayor Ben Shaw called on former mayor Martyn Evans to speak about the late Barry Lathey and make a presentation to his family who were present for the occasion.

Cr Evans said Mr Lathey had been a councillor for nearly 20 years until the 2018 election, and his death earlier this year was widely regretted.

He reflected on Mr Lathey's passion for Willow Court and its redevelopment, as well as for keeping a close watch on TasWater. "We remember that Barry could always bring any subject back to TasWater," he said.

A minute's silence in memory of Barry Lathey was observed at
the start of the January council meeting.
"Barry was so proud to be on council and to represent our valley. It's a great loss. No matter what we did, Barry would always be there. He was there for the betterment of the people and the betterment of the valley. More people like Barry on council would be a wonderful thing."

Cr Evans and Cr Shaw presented Mr Lathey's widow Madge with a photo montage reflecting Barry's time as a councillor.  Cr Shaw said it was often forgotten that there was a family behind each individual councillor. "We wanted to say thank you to Barry's family," he said.

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