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Monday, July 15, 2019

Don't ask about the geese

QUESTIONS or comments about the recent poisoning of birds at Tynwald Park will not be addressed until the completion of an independent review, a spokesman has announced on the Derwent Valley Council's Facebook page this afternoon.

With the monthly council meeting to be held this Thursday night, an unsigned statement on the council Facebook page says no comment will be made on the events of late last month, until the findings of an independent review have been delivered, probably late next week.

"We understand that there are many people who would like an update on the incident involving the geese at Tynwald Park. Council has commissioned an independent review into the matter and is unable to comment further until the findings have been delivered," the spokesman wrote.

"Accordingly, no questions or comments either on, or without notice will be responded to until such time as this process is complete. It is expected that the investigator’s report will be provided later next week, following which a statement will be provided to the community. "

On the morning of July 29, a number of geese and ducks were found dead at Tynwald Park. A number of dead and dying plovers were found in the same area on July 30. On July 2, council general manager Greg Winton acknowledged that a certified and licenced pest control company had been used to lay chemically laced baits to remove feral geese from Tynwald Park, New Norfolk. After conducting his own preliminary investigation, Mr Winton commissioned an independent inquiry into what had led from a decision to sedate and relocate the geese, to poisoning them.

Mayor Ben Shaw has since appointed Daniel Smee as acting general manager following the Mr Winton's decision to stand aside while the circumstances of the bird culling is investigated. Mr Smee is the executive manager of governance and community services at Kingborough Council and has recently served as acting general manager of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council.

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