The mock accident scene on Peppermint Hill
at New Norfolk tonight. |
COLD and windy weather provided a dose of reality as emergency service workers took part in an accident scenario at New Norfolk tonight (Wednesday).
Though to be the first of its kind held locally in about 30 years, the emergency response exercise for combined services was held on Peppermint Hill this evening, involving a simulated collision between a car and a bus.
Responding to the mock crash scene near the New Norfolk tip site were the volunteers of the Derwent Valley State Emergency Service unit and the Lachlan Fire Brigade, along with local volunteer ambulance officers and Ambulance Tasmania paramedics.
A group of about 16 paramedicine students from the University of Tasmania acted as patients in the scenario.
Derwent Valley Council communications officer Daniel Cheetham said the exercise was a great example of collaboration among emergency services to enable them to hone their skills and enhance their communication capabilities in the event of a real emergency.
"Many participants are local residents and this will also help build up community resilience when faced with future emergencies," Mr Cheetham said. The event was also the swansong for the council’s environmental health officer and emergency response co-ordinator, David Bradford, who is leaving the role after nine years.
Tonight's exercise was supported by sponsors including the Derwent Valley Council, Derwent Valley Rotary Club, Woolworths New Norfolk, Lions Club of New Norfolk, Craig Farrell MLC, Metro Tasmania and Hobart Truck Spares.
The bus driver being attended by a SES volunteer and an ambulance officer. |
SES and fire brigade volunteers carrying a patient from the bus. |
An injured passenger being escorted from the bus. |
Lachlan Fire Brigade members keeping watch. |
The scene at Peppermint Hill. |
The treatment area for the mock casualties in tonight's scenario. |
Derwent Valley SES members discussing the scenario. |
Ambulance officers attending to their patients. |
Volunteers debriefing at the end of the exercise. |
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